FSHBX vs. FXNAX: Is Fidelity Short-Term Bond Fund Better?

Someone asks:

I have a simple two-fund portfolio in my IRA. I have FXNAX as the bond portion at 40%. Wondering if I should sell that and move to a short-term bond fund instead – something like FSHBX. Thanks!

FSHBX vs FXNAX: Fund Overvie…

VGSLX vs. VNQ: Which Vanguard Real Estate Fund Is Better?

Someone asks:

Recommendations on which Vanguard Real Estate ETF, Index, or Fund? This would be for a retirement account with 30+ years to grow, with dividends reinvested. I’m seeing VNQ and VGSLX come up a lot. What do you guys think?


SCHD vs. VYM: Which Is the Best High Dividend ETF?

Someone asks:

SCHD or VYM and reasons on which to pick? I currently have 100 shares of VYM. Other similar options are appreciated as well. I am also considering just doing all VOO.

SCHD vs VYM: Overview

Schwab U.S. Dividend Eq…

SWPPX vs VOO: Which Fund Is a Better Buy?

Someone asks:

I’m planning to put 2k into SWPPX for my Roth IRA, but is there a better choice in your opinion? I heard VOO from Vanguard is also good. I’m looking for stable long-term returns.

SWPPX vs VOO: Overview

Schwab® S&…

How to Get Approved for Options Level 2 on Fidelity

Someone asks:

Can anyone tell me the actual requirements for applying for level 2 options (or whichever one selling puts falls under in Fidelity)?
I am currently selling covered calls and am more or less content, but I would like to start…
